Balado Daging,kentang,hati ayam . You can have Balado Daging,kentang,hati ayam using 14 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Balado Daging,kentang,hati ayam Prepare of Daging sapi. It's of Hati ayam. You need of Kentang. You need 5 of cabe merah besar. You need 10 of cabe rawit. It's 1 Buah of tomat. You need 3 butir of kemiri. Prepare 4 siung of baw putih. It's 3 biji of Bw merah. It's of Gula merah. Prepare secukupnya of Air. It's of Garam. You need of Kaldu ayam sesuai selera boleh sapii. It's 1 iris of lengkuas. Balado Daging,kentang,hati ayam step by step Rebus hati ayam dan daging. Potong" kentang lalu goreng kering sisihkan. Setelah d rebus potong"hati ayam lalu goreng,,biar gk meledak" taburi tepung terigu sedikit,,sisihkan. ...
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